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“Lock your doors tonight” - Sen. Kennedy, leaving a classified briefing regarding the UFO that US military shot down this weekend.

  Senator John Kennedy  Sen. John Kennedy on the Mystery of Downed Objects and the 2024 GOP Presidential Candidates Republican Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana has been calling for answers from the United States administration regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and their response to them. He hopes to get answers during a classified briefing, stating that he wants this briefing to be better than the last one. In an interview on Fox News, Sen. Kennedy expressed his confusion over the situation and the lack of clarity surrounding the downed objects. He highlighted that ten years ago, Americans were led to believe that the skies were clear, and all of a sudden, spy balloons and unidentified objects began raining down like confetti. Sen. Kennedy mentioned that lawmakers, including himself, have had only one briefing by junior members of the intelligence committee. He stated that the American people deserve to know what is going on, but only members of the intelligence committe
