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Showing posts with the label marianne williamson


Marianne Williamson Latest News

Marianne Williamson Latest News I’m not normally the kind of person who posts pictures of my food, as anyone who knows me would attest. But what I’ll start doing now is posting pictures of where I am. I’m hunkered down with a dear friend whose apartment I happened to be visiting when the coronavirus craziness exploded a few days ago. I had been planning to fly back to Des Moines to pack up for a move to DC, but now such travel is on hold as we all know. Meanwhile, my friend is someone I have known for over 30 years, a godfather to my daughter, and he has generously suggested I remain at his place for now. He is an interior designer and his home is beautiful. He has such an eye for beauty that even a bowl of tomatoes at his house looks like a work of art to me. But it’s more than that going on now, of course. I’m feeling the same things everyone else is feeling, and deeply aware that not everyone has the support of friends and family where they are now, much less are in a beau

Marianne Williamson Congratulates Joe Biden For His Win in Primaries 2020

Marianne Williamson Congratulates Joe Biden For His Win in Primaries Maybe it’s because I’ve been through so much sadness in my life, but I’m not going to let tonight get me down. I’ve known how this game works from very early in the process. I know because I was there. The same group that was gathered around Anderson Cooper on CNN tonight was gathered around me after the second debate, and I saw the look in some of their eyes. Believe me, kids, I know how it works. But Joe himself is a very nice man. He was lovely whenever he saw me on the campaign trail, and his wife is great. A wonderful woman. I am very, very disappointed tonight, but my disappointment is nothing compared to that of tens of millions of young people who have got to be feeling far more loss than I. I wish I could talk to every one of them and say, “Don’t worry, this is just a moment in time.” This too shall pass. Progressives in our history have had bigger setbacks than this. And this moment will give way to
